Stefanie is a knitting pattern designer known for her unique sense of style, self-described as 'tweaky glam' mixed with 'hippy lady'. Bump into Stefanie on a given day and you might see her wearing beat up army pants and combat boots paired with a gold Coach purse and lipstick. This contrast between girly and tough, refined yet earthy, was the foundation for her website design. A subdued army green background balances the bright coral accents used throughout the site. Quirky leaf illustrations with an organic feel add interest without overpowering the real focus of the website: Stefanie's knitwear designs.

The website promotes Stefanie as a designer, with links to her media appearances and information about her upcoming workshops. Visitors to the site can also purchase downloadable PDFs of her designs; the online shop uses a Raverly plug-in to sell her individual knitting patterns.

  • Stefanie Japel, home
  • Stefanie Japel, about
  • Stefanie Japel, shop
  • Stefanie Japel, individual knittingpattern
salem, massachusetts    |     781.215.4889     |